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Review: ScentBird

You guys!! I have a new favorite product and I'm so excited to tell you all about it! It's called ScentBird and you can basically 'date' a perfume before you 'marry' it.

This is the greatest invention ever, because if you're anything like me.. you have commitment issues when it comes to your fragrance! I always pick the same one because I'm too frugal to spend $80 on a new bottle of perfume that I'm not even sure I like that much!

With ScentBird you pay $14.95 a month.. and recieve a 30-day supply of the fragrance of your choice. They have HUNDREDS of different scents to choose from and I'm so excited to try them all!

This month I'm sampling Yves Saint Laurent "Black Opium." Normally I wouldn't go so bold with a perfume, but remember, we're on a "date" haha I'm not fully committed to an entire bottle!!

The mothly refill comes with a reusable case that keeps the perfume safe, and is also available in multiple colors too!

This is only my first month using ScentBird and I cannot wait to try out new perfumes and finaly find ones that I can fully commit to! This is seriously like the Netflix for perfume. I'm obsessed!

If you're intersted, try ScentBird by going to their website!

Love you guys!!


Brooke Taylor

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